Friday, December 10, 2010

Cover Letter #2

My writing throughout the semester has made me grow. I felt I have progressed tremendously from last year taking Writing 117 at community college to now finishing English 103 with Dr. Hartman. I learned many new varieties of writing and how to compose an organized paper. I felt that the informative, and taking a stance paper really showed my greatest progress. I feel that this class has really prepared me for English 104 next semester and writing for the future.
I believe the description that is needed within the essays required for this class has made me that much better of a writer. I can honestly say I have liked my progress from writing for the newspaper in high school to writing essays in community college then now writing papers at this university. I feel Dr. Hartman, and his critiquing really has made me progress. This course really has prepared me for English 104 next semester, I think Dr. Hartman gave us a good amount of papers for preparation for 104.
Overall I am looking forward to what the future brings for myself and my writing. I have always thought of myself as a good writer, and the grades have shown for it as well, but there is always room for improvement. I can honestly say Dr. Hartman has helped tremendously and I hope to continue my writing enjoyment and success into the future.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cover Letter

For my portfolio, I started at the very beginning. My first essay I included was the first one we wrote, the personal memoir. I felt this paper was the weakest off all of the pieces I have on here. Yet that is to be expected since it was the first piece. What I wanted to show the readers of the portfolio was to start latest and then progressively move into most recently written essays. I felt this way would show the readers strength and progress as I moved further along in my writing throughout the semester.
My writing process within the portfolio was to explain what I did with each piece and why I chose that particular topic to write on. I want to give some background behind each piece, so readers can get a summary of what the piece is about before they actually read it. I felt this could ease the reader in so they don't go completely blind before they read the particular essay.
The process I used was to show the readers the progress I made as a writer. Although my grades were consistently "B's", I felt each paper was my strongest. Even though I got a B- on the controversial topic essay, I felt that it was the strongest piece. It was the third essay we wrote, and I felt that the use of sourcing, research and placing that research in an organizing manner, really taught me how to write a good informative essay. Overall what I learned from this semester was that writing takes time and that its like anything you do in life, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Last Blog: Pre Finals Week

This semester has sped through time as fast as the speed of light. I can't believe the semester is almost over. I can admit though I have LOVED my first semester here. It was a rocky start to the semester but I have the potential to finish strong.
I have met so many new people here this first semester, and plan on and looking forward to meeting more awesome people. And what happened this semester was the last thing I was expecting, yes I have myself a girl friend now. I told myself coming here that I was not going to get into a relationship and I don't wanna deal with it with school. I guess plans change.
Overall this semester got better the further it came along. I look forward to starting next semester. I feel it is going to be easier than this semester, but I have work to do between now and then.
In the mean time, I wish everyone best of luck with their exams and have a safe and happy holiday. Maybe see some of you next semester.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Turkey Week Already?!

Happy Thanksgiving week everyone...and Fruesday! Crazy to think only three more weeks in the semester! You know what though? THANK GOD! I am so ready for next semester. This one hasn't been one to remember.
On another note. Start my new job next week! Probably be working a few days and getting some extra cash. Looking at a new model for Abercrombie. (Note, I really don't think I am good looking) but besides that It's a nice job for over winter break and possibly the summer. I will for sure take my 30% discount at Abercrombie any day. But other than that. It's Friday night and I am here writing this blog? Nah...I am about to go out and enjoy my night. Have a good weekend all.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Black Ops

So the new Call of Duty video game came out this week. I may be the minority among the college guys to not go out and get it. It past years, I would have been outside at midnight waiting right with them, but I find myself so busy that I have no time to enjoy the game. When I do play however nowadays, I honestly play online with my dad and uncle or I play with my best friend Kevin. The only two games I play are NCAA football 11 or NHL 11. My dad, uncle and I have a hell of a time playing NHL. The game is so fun, and with video games nowadays they are getting more and more realistic. Granted, we aren't the best video gamers but we know how to have fun. In the end that's what video games are about. People take games WAY to seriously today and they need to chill and realize it's only a game and it doesn't have any impact on your life whatsoever. Some people need to relax and have FUN. Since that's what video games are about. But I just see too many people taking it way to seriously and in the end when its suppose to be a stress reliever. It pisses the person off even more. One word of advice. Don't take the small things in life so seriously. It doesn't do anyone any good.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's New?

Pretty quiet week thus far. Seriously I can't think of anything to write. I find that donating blood plasma is easy money. I have been doing that the last few weeks, making and extra $50 a week just to mess around with. Since every college student is money hungry, blood plasma donation isn't a terrible thing to do, and also the plasma is for a good cause. Sure we always think about the money first, but we forget WHY we are doing it. Biolife plasma centers donate all the blood plasma to children will difficulties producing their own plasma. Since all blood plasma is the same, it makes it convenient for them. I donate 880 ML every time. As much as it is for me to earn a quick buck, I also feel good that I am helping some children in dire need of the blood plasma.
So for anyone who reads this, its not difficult money to earn and also you are helping with some or many children lives.

Friday, November 5, 2010


November is here. This means the transition into cold weather, winter, end of semester and lack of sunlight. Yet if there's any good about November and December. It has to be the holiday season. I hope this brightens peoples moods since the holidays are one to be with family and relaxation.
If anything, I would love to have a job over the 5 week break for winter break. I would love to bring in an extra $400-$500 to just buy pointless items with. I do currently have a group interview at Abercrombie next week. I hope it is just not a pointless three hour trip home to not get hired, or arriving to see 50 people at this group interview. But I am determined to get a job and get some extra cash.
Lastly November brings us only six weeks of the semester left. This blows my mind. Where did the semester go? I swear being a college student there is less time in the day.
Anyways, I hope everyone has a great weekend and stays safe.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Assignment #3 Post

A lot of research had to be conducted while writing this paper. Sex Education as we know is a controversial topic that's overlooked sometimes within our country. I found that there are two main ways to teach Sex Education, and that's through Abstinence and Contraception. Ironically and interestingly, the country is almost divided up evenly between the states in which what each state teaches. States however are starting to transition more into contraception education, or giving the parents/guardians the option for what topic they want their student to learn. North Carolina is the most recent state to offer both contraception and abstinence education. They are only the 7th state to offer both. They were predominately Abstinence education before lawmakers decided the transition about a year ago.
Lastly what I found while researching this topic was how different organizations express their feelings. Especially the Advert Organization, who only promotes Abstinence lifestyle of living. I found that they make their presence strongly within third world countries, yet continue to express their message through their website,

Friday, October 29, 2010

Halloween Weekend!

This weekend is going to be insanely fun. Women have an excuse to dress skimpy without any judgment, the guys are dress up and have no complaints no matter how they look, and best of all, you can be someone you're not. My costume of choice this year? Keith Stone, from the Keystone Light commercials. I have the whole attire and I am spot on in how he looks. I plan on dropping lines like "hold my stones" and have people tell me that I am so smooth and just reply, "always". I am proud to say I may have the best costume on campus. It is original and I guarantee no one will have the same costume.

I am curious to see what people are for Halloween, but Keith Stone is as smooth as they come.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Nothing New Here

All quiet on the home front. Not an eventful weekend at all. Had exams, usual routine with classes and such. Yet this cold has been kicking my butt all week. As the weather changes, you know everyone gets sick. I have so many friends who are sick right now as well. I most likely got it from them.
But besides the point, next weekend is fall break, and as fast as school has been going, its going to be here really fast. I am excited to go home for the weekend. I have only been home once this year, so a weekend at home with relaxation is defiantly a great incentive for a stressful midterm week(s). I plan on going to Western and Central Michigan University as well when I am home. I have lots of friends who I have yet to see in months. I need to see them. It has been way too long.
Other than that, I am going to keep doing what I doing, work hard and try and get the best grades possible on my exams. I hope everyone has a great weekend as well.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Here We Go Again...

This blog post is different the usual. I find myself so stressed and I really want this semester just to end already. Some of my professors (excluding Dr. Hartman) have really been pushing my buttons lately and I am starting to get so irritated. My math prof decides to dump this on us for the weekend. (Let me restate that she doesn't do a thing teaching wise in my class). So each homework assignment she assigns us, takes at least an hour and a half to two hours. She decides to give us two assignments. Then she decides for us to take a quiz online. The quiz is timed for 75 minutes, and it usually takes that long. Even though we can take it four times, I at least take it three times. Seems like the third time I get a good enough grade in which I am satisfied with. So our hour count is now up to almost 8 hours of homework. Then she decides, well I don't think that is enough, lets do 20 pages of notes. Great. Another almost two hours to go through the online program and take notes from the videos from the stuff she should be teaching us in class. Now we are up to 10 hours for the weekend. Then to top it all off for her class. Exam on Wednesday. Lady, YOU ARE CRAZY! I'm pretty sure everyone's jaw dropped in class when she said all this. So the last few nights I have been up real late doing this crap she assigns us. I'm pretty sure that 99.9% of the students who take MATH 111 will not be needing it for their major. That's what irritates me the most.
Then on top of all this my father had a heart attack this week. Blessed by god he is doing alright. He's been in the hospital for the last few days and hopefully he gets released tomorrow. Living three hours away really sucks right about now. Knowing my father is ok, makes it a little better but also knowing I have all this math, three exams next week and my father having a heart attack. It's been a terrible last 3-4 days. I need to get through this week and then things will settle down again for a little bit. I am really looking forward to NEXT weekend when all this is done. But most of all I am looking forward to next semester. I know it will not be as stressful of a semester. I am just continuing to work hard and try and make it out of this semester alive. As much as I would love to have the grades I set out to be. Realistically, I just don't see it happening. I am going to continue to work hard and try my very best.
I leave everyone on this note. Everyone should cherish everyday that they have on earth, cherish the health of themselves and family, and cherish the life they have. For whoever has a healthy family and is seeing success from hard work. Never stop what you are doing and continue to strive for your goals. Hard work always pays off, and always rewards the people who do it.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Make or Break

Right now I feel like that we are in the point within the semester that it's going to make or break your grade in every class. We are coming up on midterms and time is starting to dwindle to try and improve your grade as much as possible. I certainly got to a rocky start to the semester, but I am changing it up and wanting to improve my grades before it is too late. Certainly Econ and Math are whooping my butt pretty bad, but my best grade is in here, just need to improve upon my business class and music history, because I find that there is no excuse to have less than a B in those classes. But I am certainly doing my best and working harder. I am a transfer student from community college, so I almost consider myself a freshman this year, by coming into a real college environment. Despite the slow start, I think I have found the solution to turn my grades around and become more optimistic on my grades and school.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Week to Week

First off I can't believe its Friday already! This week just seemed like it started, I guess that's what happens when you're constantly busy. But I am certainly not complaining.

Next weekend however is going to be awesome. I'm driving back home with a few buddies from here. We are going to the Central Michigan-Ball State game. I have a lot of friends up at Central that I haven't seen in months, also I want them to meet my best friends down here. I think its going to be awesome to get back with old friends, and mix it in with new friends.

It's going to be a long trip however, the drive will be about 4-5 hours, but we will get up there Friday night, maybe do our thing for the night, then wake up the next morning, possibly tailgate then hit the game at 3:30. It will be really fun, and defiantly a good weekend at the very least. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Stress Week

This week has been so chaotic. Three Exams, one project, and a final paper in this class. Welcome to college life though right? The weekend can't come soon enough. I look forward to watching some football and RELAXING! Sorry to the Notre Dame fans, MSU will put another loss in your loss column this weekend.
This weekend will probably be quiet around here, since everyone I know is either going home or going to the Ball State-Purdue game. The quiet weekend won't bother me though, it's nice to just to get away from the ordinary. Well overall during the week, school has taken over, I want my social life back and get away from school. For now. 

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Second Post

This Labor Day weekend was a good weekend. I was thrilled to go home and see family and friends, and just have a good weekend to RELAX! My birthday was a couple weekends ago, but I celebrated this weekend with family and friends. Saturday night I went out with my parents and my sister to dinner and just relaxed the rest of the evening. Sunday, other members of the family came down from Detroit and we made a trip up to the casino. The eight of us went up there and the big winner of the day was my cousin at $10. (The Indians get me every time.) Yet I still go up there and gamble my money away. Later that night I met up with some of my best friends. They gave me gifts which I had no idea were coming. It made my weekend by getting clothes from them as gifts. They also did get me a "rape whistle". (Strictly a joke, I am not too concerned about getting raped). It's safe to say they spoil me like crazy, but I still love them.
Monday rolled around and my parents made my sister and I a big "lunner" (lunch/dinner). It was awesome to have a big meal before the three hour trip back south to school.
It is always nice to come home into a great environment. My parents and my family are always there and it just feels right to be home.
I am not sure when the next time I will be home, but I know when I do, it will just be like I never left. It's an awesome feeling knowing I am always welcome and accepted to come home. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Post

Ultimately I am not to sure what to write here, so I guess I'll just tell some random facts about myself.

For starters, the first thing people recognize about myself is my height. Yeah, I know I'm tall, standing at 6'4. Funny thing is my parents are 5'7 and 5'9 respectfully. I am the tallest person out of all of my family on both sides.

I also did play hockey for 13 years. I'll admit, I was pretty good, but it was just time to move on with my life. My hockey career took me to places I'd never thought I'd visit. My favorite place to visit was Dallas, Texas. I hope to one day find myself living there.

Now I find myself at Ball State, I am a Sophomore and majoring in Entrepreneurship. I hope that one day I can work for my father's company and be successful.