Friday, December 10, 2010

Cover Letter #2

My writing throughout the semester has made me grow. I felt I have progressed tremendously from last year taking Writing 117 at community college to now finishing English 103 with Dr. Hartman. I learned many new varieties of writing and how to compose an organized paper. I felt that the informative, and taking a stance paper really showed my greatest progress. I feel that this class has really prepared me for English 104 next semester and writing for the future.
I believe the description that is needed within the essays required for this class has made me that much better of a writer. I can honestly say I have liked my progress from writing for the newspaper in high school to writing essays in community college then now writing papers at this university. I feel Dr. Hartman, and his critiquing really has made me progress. This course really has prepared me for English 104 next semester, I think Dr. Hartman gave us a good amount of papers for preparation for 104.
Overall I am looking forward to what the future brings for myself and my writing. I have always thought of myself as a good writer, and the grades have shown for it as well, but there is always room for improvement. I can honestly say Dr. Hartman has helped tremendously and I hope to continue my writing enjoyment and success into the future.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cover Letter

For my portfolio, I started at the very beginning. My first essay I included was the first one we wrote, the personal memoir. I felt this paper was the weakest off all of the pieces I have on here. Yet that is to be expected since it was the first piece. What I wanted to show the readers of the portfolio was to start latest and then progressively move into most recently written essays. I felt this way would show the readers strength and progress as I moved further along in my writing throughout the semester.
My writing process within the portfolio was to explain what I did with each piece and why I chose that particular topic to write on. I want to give some background behind each piece, so readers can get a summary of what the piece is about before they actually read it. I felt this could ease the reader in so they don't go completely blind before they read the particular essay.
The process I used was to show the readers the progress I made as a writer. Although my grades were consistently "B's", I felt each paper was my strongest. Even though I got a B- on the controversial topic essay, I felt that it was the strongest piece. It was the third essay we wrote, and I felt that the use of sourcing, research and placing that research in an organizing manner, really taught me how to write a good informative essay. Overall what I learned from this semester was that writing takes time and that its like anything you do in life, the more you do it, the better you get at it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Last Blog: Pre Finals Week

This semester has sped through time as fast as the speed of light. I can't believe the semester is almost over. I can admit though I have LOVED my first semester here. It was a rocky start to the semester but I have the potential to finish strong.
I have met so many new people here this first semester, and plan on and looking forward to meeting more awesome people. And what happened this semester was the last thing I was expecting, yes I have myself a girl friend now. I told myself coming here that I was not going to get into a relationship and I don't wanna deal with it with school. I guess plans change.
Overall this semester got better the further it came along. I look forward to starting next semester. I feel it is going to be easier than this semester, but I have work to do between now and then.
In the mean time, I wish everyone best of luck with their exams and have a safe and happy holiday. Maybe see some of you next semester.